Requirements 179

Computer Requirements
Printer perfo rman ce depends upon the type of computer to which you connect it. We
recommend a Pentium-cla ss compute r with at least 16 MB of RAM (if you’re using
Windows Me/98/95) o r 32 MB of RAM (if you’re using Windows 2000/NT4).
ENERGY STAR Compliance
Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliance
All models of the magicolor 2200 are compliant with
US Environmental Protec tion Agency (EPA) ENERGY
STAR reg ulations. After a s pecified per iod of inactivity,
the printer changes to a low-power state (the engine
remains on, but the fuser turns off). Whe n a print job is
received, the printer returns to normal power within a
user-configurable time period.
MINOLTA-QMS would like to reassure its customers by
pointing out that the desi gn of its produc ts preclu des the
possibility of Year 2000 errors.
There are two instances when time and date information is
provided by MINOLTA-QMS printer s: when information
about a print job is stored in the MINOLTA-QMS accounting
file, and when a time stamp is printed on the header and/or
trailer page. Date and time inf ormation that appears on the header and/or trailer
page is passed to the MINOLTA-QMS printer by the host computer. Si nce this
information is passed in r eal time, it is virtually impossible for the re to be any
confusion regarding the century date . The real-time clock used to apply the time
stamp to the accounting fil es stores the year as four digits and is designed to
correctly handle leap year calculations, including the Year 2000.