Repacking the Printer 169
Repacking the Printer
If you need to relocate or ship your printer after itโs been installed, follow the procedures
in this chapter to prevent damage to the printer and to keep your warranty valid.
๎๎ If youโre returning just the printer for service, do not return the interface c able s, power
cable, documentation, media tray(s) , or ac cessories.
MIN OLTA-QMS ca n no t be he ld respon s ib le for dam age to your pri n ter during
shipment that r esults fr om the impr oper packagi ng of your printer. You must use the
instruct ions given in this section before repacking the prin t er in its original shippi ng
carton with the original packing materials. Thes e supplies must be replaced prior to
re-shipping the printer.
If you need replacement p ackaging, in the United States, call MINOLTA-QMS
Spares at 1 (334) 633-4300 x2530 and reques t pa rt num b er 2 600674-901 for the
repacking kit. Refer to the Service & Support Guide or www.mino lta-qms.com for
locations outside the United States. If you need to return the printer for service, be
sure to write the RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number you received
from your customer support r epresentative clearly on the carton before shipping
the printer.
What's Invol ved ?
Repacking your printer for shipment involves the following steps. Each is described in
more detail in the following sections.
1Remove the cables.
2Remove the fuser oil roller.
3Remove the toner cartr idges.
4Remove the waste toner pack.
5Remove the OPC drum.
6Remove the transfer belt.
7Remove the duplex unit (if attached).