Using the Crown Print Monitor76
Using the Crown Print Monitor
The Crown Print Monitor (CROWNMON) for W indows is designed specifically f or
MINOLTA-QMS printers using TCP/I P pr otocol to tr ansport print jobs and to access
printer status infor mation.
The Crown Print Monitor’s Print Sp oole r (both workstati on and server versions) controls
the printing environment for both local and remote print jobs submitted through sha r ed
resources via TCP/IP. The Print Spooler “monitor s” or “des poolers” are configur ed to
service print jobs in a particular queue.
Status component
This component obtains information from the printer, such as print job “go/nogo”
and error or warni ng cond itions. Status information displays in Print Manage r
through the print que ue stat us dialog box. Status information comes from either the
Windows Print Spooler, the Crown Print Monitor, or the printer, depending on w here
the job is in the printing proces s . See chapter 5,“Troubleshooting,”for more infor-
mation on status messages.
Send co m p o nen t
The Crown Prin t Mon itor uses TCP/IP soc ket 35 for high-p erformanc e data transf er.
This component transports print jobs to a specific MINOLTA-QMS print device.
When a job is sent to a print device by the Crown Print Monitor, it utilizes all allo-
cated Windows operating system resources to transport the job. If a connection is
broken while a job is being transported, the monitor gives control back to th e Pr int
Monitor Print Spooler. Any job se nt to the printer while it is recovering from the
break in communication is flushed from the Windows print queue.
Configuration component
This component configures the port name, Internet address, time delays, and prob-
lem sound alert. It consists of the Add MINOLTA-QMS Port and Configure
MINOLTA-QMS Port dialog boxes. All configuration changes made via this c ompo-
nent are automatic ally recorded in the Windows syst em registry.