Updating System Software 83

Updating Sys tem Software

The syst em software in your magicolor 2200 DeskLas er is st ored in flash ROM, read- only
memo ry tha t ca n be erased and rewri tte n to “in a flash. ” T his allows you to update the
system sof tware t hrough the pr inter interface without ope ning up the pri nter an d insta lling
new PROMs. The system software is updated by sending a specified file to the printer.

Downloading Methods

You can use Ethernet TCP/IP or a par a llel connection to download the system file to the

Syst em File

To perform an update you need to download a system file to your printer. The system file
fil ename identi fies the syste m versi on number and en ds with an .img fil ename exte nsion.
The printer must remain inactive during the downloa d process.
This item needs
cleaning... After... See...
Duplex uni t paper gui des
or rollers Every 30,000 single- sided pages, or 12
months, whic hever comes earlier.
Maintenance Guide.
Laser lens cover Removing the waste toner pack to clean
around it or to replace it.
Paper exit rol lers Every 30,000 single- sided pages, or 12
months, whic hever comes earlier.
Print er exterior As needed.
Print er i nteri or Every 30,000 single- sided pages, or 12
months, whic hever comes earlier.
Download Method See
Etherne t TCP/IP “Downloading the Syst em Fil e via Ethernet (TCP/IP) ” on page 84.
Parall el “Downloading the Syst em Fil e via Parallel” on page 87.