32-bit SuperDriver Setup 59


Paper Source

Purpose Sets the orient ati on (printing direct ion) of the pri nt media.
Choices Portrait—Prints along the short edge of the page (vert ical page
LandscapePrints along the long edge of the page (horizontal
page orientation).
Default Portrait
Purpose Sets th e input source (cassette) from whi ch pri nt media is pul led into the
Choices Auto—T he prin ter uses the first c assett e it ca n find t hat contains media l arge
enough to sati sfy the print job requ irements.
Multipur pose Tray—The multipurpose tray.
Upper Tray—The cassette in the standard (upper) position.
Optional Tray—The cassett e in the lower posit ion (availabl e only on printers
with an optional lower feeder unit installed and the optional tray select ed on
the Device Opt ions tab) .
Default Auto
Notes When the pri nter is fi rst tu rned on, the upper tray is sel ected. After that, the
printer uses the last cassette selected.
See “Diff erent Paper for 1st Page” in this section.