32-bit SuperDriver Setup74

Configuring Device Options

The Device Options tab allows you to ide ntify which options have been insta lle d on your
Installable Options, Installed Option Lists, and Options Graphic
The Installable Options li st displays all printer options that are available for your printer.
The Installed Options list displays the curre nt con figuration that has been selec ted. These
settings are repr esented by changes in the Options Graphic.
Adding an Option Removing an Option
1 Select the option you want to add from
the Installable Optio ns li st.
2 Choose Add.
The option you s electe d now appears in
the Inst alled Option list and in the
Options Graphic.
1 Select the option you want to remove
from the Install ed Op ti ons lis t.
2 Cho ose Rem ove.
The option you selected n ow appears i n
the In stall able Option list and is removed
from the Options Graphi c.
Options graphic