Loadi ng Media 41
If you are printing duplex from the upper or optiona l tray, load the media printing-side
down with the top of the media (or le tterhead or memo information) toward the right side
of the tr ay. If you are printing duplex from the multipurpose tray, loa d the media
printing-sid e up with the top of the media toward the printer. Set the dri ver, for example:
1In the printer driver, make sure you have selected Duple xer and clicked on the
Add button.
2In the printer driver, select Simplex (one-sided pages), or Long Edge (flip ped hori-
zontally as in a loose-leaf notebook), or Short Edge (fli ppe d vertically as on a clip-
board) as the Duplex option.
3Click OK.
Upper and Optional Media Trays
1Slide the media tra y open.
2Push the media pr e ssure plate down to lock it in