32-bit SuperDriver Setup60

Differ ent Pa p er fo r 1st Page
1st Page
Output Source
Paper Graphic
The paper graphic image change s acc ording to Paper Size, Orientation and Duplex/
Booklet selections, and will display the selected N-up setting.
Purpose Al lows you to selec t the paper source that will be used for the firs t page of the
Choices Enabled (se lected) —The first page of the doc um ent will use t he paper
source ident ified in the 1st Page li st.
Disabled—All pages of the docume nt use the same paper sour ce.
Default Disabled
Additi onal
Choices Wh en enable d is sel ected, t he 1st Page list is act ivat ed. See “1 st Pa ge” in thi s
Purpose This list allows you to identify the paper source for the first page of the docu-
Choices Upper Tray
Multipurpose Tray
Optional Tray—Avail able onl y on pri nters with an opti onal lowe r feeder unit
installed and the optional tray selected on the Device Options tab.
Default Upper Tray
Notes This list is disa bled (gr ayed-out ) if Diffe rent Paper for 1st Page i s disabl ed.
Purpose Sets th e output bin wh ere printed media i s to be del ivere d.
Choices Uppe r Tray —The printer will send printed media to the upper output bin.
Mailbi n 1-5 —The mailbin output bin (mailbin 1-5).
Default Upp er Tray
Notes Output Source options are supported only on printers with a 5-bin mailbox
installed and the 5- bin mailbox opti on selected on the Device Opti ons tab.