Requirements 177
Power Requirements
Lo cation Requirements
On a hard, fla t, le vel (1.0° or less sla nt at any point around the machine) surface capa-
ble o f suppor ting the printe r , a ccesso ries, c onsumables , and med ia. Weights ar e shown
A surfac e can be test ed for levelne ss with a standard r ound pencil. If the pencil roll s,
the surface is not le vel. Clear the area of any obst ruction or items suc h as cables
that might prevent the printe r from sitting directly on the flat, level surface.
In an area with an ambient te mperat ure range of 50°–95° F (10°–3 5° C) and relative
humidity range of 15%–85% (nonconde nsating).
Away from cooli ng and heat ing sources, ext reme temperature or humidity cha nge s,
direct sunlight, excessive dust, corrosive chemicals or vapors (suc h as a mmonia),
Power Japan 100 VAC 50–60 Hz 12 amps
North America 120 VAC 50–60 Hz 8 amps
Europe 220–240 VAC 50–60 Hz 6 amps
Latin Ameri ca 120 VAC 50–60 Hz 8 amps
220–240 VAC 50–60 Hz 6 amps
Voltage Fluctuation Rate Japan 100 VAC ±10%
North America 120 VAC ±10%
Europe 220–240 VAC ±10%
Latin Ameri ca 120 VAC ±10%
220–240 VAC ±10%
Frequency Variation Rate Within 50–60 ±3 Hz
Component Weight
Printer 87.1 lbs (39. 5 kg)
Consumab les (such as toner, OPC drum) 11 lbs (5.0 kg) (total)
Media 5.2 lbs (1.9 kg) per ream
Lower feeder unit (opti onal) 14.8 lbs (6.7 kg)
Duplex unit (optional) 5.3 lbs (2.4 kg)
5-bin mailbox (optional) 15.5 lbs (7.0 kg)