Solving Problems with Me dia Jams106
Media is
jamming. The media is not correctly
positioned in the tray. Remove the jammed media aand reposition the media
properly in the tray.
The number of sheets in the
tray exceeds the maximum
Remove the excess media and reload the correct num-
ber of sheets in the tray.
The width regulation guides
are not correctly adjusted to
the media size.
Adjust the regu lation guides in the tray to ma tch the si ze
of the media.
The media in upper or
optional tray is not under the
media sepa rating tabs.
Remove the med ia a nd relo ad it so the front corne r s a re
under the media separating tabs.
Warped or wrinkled media is
loaded in the tray. Remove the media, smooth it out, and reload it. If it still
jams, do not use that media.
Labels, letterhead, enve-
lopes, postcards, thick stock,
or transfer material are
loaded in the upper or
optional tray.
Special media must be loaded in th e multipu rpose tray
The recommended transpar-
ency (OHP) or label paper is
facing the wrong way in the
multipurpose tray.
Load the transparencies or labels according to the man-
ufacturer’s instructions.
Envelopes are facing
the wron g way i n the mult ipur-
pose tray.
Load the envelopes in the multipurpose tray so the the
flaps are facing up.
If the flaps are on the short edge, set the envelopes in
the multipurpose tray so that the flaps are on the printer
Multiple sheets of transpar-
ency (OHP) media are col-
lecting st atic ele c tricity in the
Remove the OHP media and load them in the tray one
sheet at a time. Do not fan transparencies before load-
ing them.
The media is moist from
humidity. Remove the moist media an d replace it with new, dry
Unsupported media (wrong
size, thickness, type, etc.) is
being used.
Use media that is covered by the printer warranty.
Media supply roller is dirty. Clean the media supply roller.
Symptom Cause Solution