Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack8

Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste

Toner Pack

The OPC drum is extremely sensitive to bright light and direct sunlight. Always
leave it in its protective bag until yo uโ€™re ready to install it. Any exposure to light
should be avoided, or permanent damage could result. Any damage re sulting fr om
mishandl ing of the OPC dr um will void the warranty of the OPC drum. Also, handle
the cartridge carefully by its si des so you donโ€™t touch the surface (the green part) of
the drum. The drum is also extremely sensitive to hand oils and scratches, both of
which reduce print quality.
When the OPC dr um is worn out, the message REPLACE DRUM ap pears. The printer will
not print until the dru m kit is repl aced.
When you re place the OPC drum c artridge after a DRUM LO W or REPLACE DRUM
message di splay s in the message window, the printe r aut omaticall y r ec overs. How ever, the
re placed waste tone r pack consumables monitoring system must be reset.
The three items below are incl uded in the OPC drum kit. If one needs repl acing, replace
all three items.
The OPC drum life is directly rela ted to the number of rotations of the drum. Longest
drum life is achieved with co ntinuous pri nting. Intermittent pr inting with small job siz es
requires cleaning rotations before and after each job, and subsequently will impact OPC
The steps are:
๎€ƒRemoving the used waste toner pack
๎€ƒRemoving the used OPC drum ca r tridge
Waste toner pack OPC drum cartridge Laser lens cover