Setting up the Printer Web Page 157

Settin g up the Prin ter W eb Pag e

Setting up the pr inter web page to run on your intranet involves two basic steps:
Determining the name and address of your printer
Setting up the “no proxy” preferences in your browser software
Determining the Printer Name
The printer web page c an be accesse d only through the assigned na me of the printer or the
IP address. It is more c onvenient for you to use a name than the address. The name for the
print er comes f rom the IP host t able on the computer syste m and i s usually assigned by th e
system administrator, for example, magicolor 2200 DeskLaser.
Setting Up Your Browser Software
Since your printer will resid e on your intranet and will not be accessible beyond the
firewall of your network, you must set up the proper “prefere n ces” i n your browser
software. Your printer name or IP address must be added to the “no proxy” list in the
preferences dialog box of the browser.
You need to do this procedure only once.
The sample screens in this chapter may be different from yours de pending on yo ur version
and platform in use.
Japanese characters may not appear correctly if you are using an early rel eas e of
Netscape Navigator or Micr osoft Inte rnet Explorer. For Netsc ape Navigator users, we
reco mmend using Netscape Navigator version 6 or greater; for Microsoft Internet
Explore r users, we recommend using Inte rnet Explorer version 5 and greate r.