

MINOLTA-QMS CrownView is a printer-based application using your printers IP
connection to your net work and the World Wide Web portion of the Internet as a
framework for the magicolor 2200 DeskLaser. This feat ure allows you to monitor print er
consumables as well as access information tha t is nor mally available only by printing a
status page.
Insi de your new MINOLTA-QMS printer reside s an HTTP (Hyper-Text T ransf er Protocol)
based web page that can be accessed from the most common web browser software, such
as Netsc ape Naviga tor and Micr osoft I nterne t Explorer. This web pa ge gives you a ccess to
the most fre quen tly accesse d printer configur ations and gives you instant access to printer
status. Anyone on your company intranet can access the MINOLTA-QMS printer through
their web browser software.
The sample windows and dialog boxes shown in this chapter are as they appear in
Netscape Navigator and Internet Explo rer, and coin cide with the step-by-step
instructi ons provided.
The following sections provide you with deta ils on
Setting up and using the web page
The different types of pages in the printer