OnCell G2150I AT Command Set | Short Message Commands |
+CMT: [<alpha>], <length> <CR> <LF> <pdu> if text mode:
+CMT: <oa>,[<alpha>], <scts> [,<tooa>, <fo>, <pid>, <dcs>, <sca>, <tosca>, <length>] <CR><LF><data>
3:Class 3
<bm>: defines the rules for storing the received CBMs (Cell Broadcast Message) types. They depend also on the coding scheme (text or PDU) and the setting of Select CBM Types (see +CSCB command). Default is 0.
0:No CBM indications are routed to the TE. The CBMs are stored.
1:The CBM is stored and an indication of the memory location is routed to the customer application using unsolicited result code: +CBMI: “BM”, <index>
2:New CBMs are routed directly to the TE using unsolicited result code. If PDU mode: If text mode: +CBM:<sn>,<mid>,<dcs>,<page>,<pages> <CR><LF> <data>
3:Class 3 CBMs: as <bm>=2.
Other classes CBMs: as <bm>=1.
<ds> for
+CDS: <length> <CR> <LF> <pdu> (PDU mode) or If text mode:
+CDS: <fo>,<mr>, [<ra>] , [<tora>], <scts>,<dt>,<st> (Text mode)
<bfr> Default is 0.
0:TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is flushed to the TE when <mode> = 1 to 3 is entered (OK response shall be given before flushing the codes)
1:TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is cleared when <mode> 1…3 is entered.
Read Message: +CMGR
Description: This command allows the application to read stored messages. The messages are read from the memory selected by +CPMS command.
Command syntax: AT+CMGR=<index> Response syntax for text mode:
y for
y for
Response syntax for PDU mode:
y+CMGR: <stat>, [<alpha>] ,<length> <CR><LF> <pdu>
A message read with status “REC UNREAD” will be updated in memory with the status “REC READ”.
Note: The <stat> parameter for SMS Status Reports is always “READ”.