MessageSaver User Guide
reference materials 17 registering your product 96 regulatory compliance
remote configuration
remote control
dows 11
repairs 95
Repeat command 31 required equipment 6 resetting the modem 12, 35, 36 Result Code Format command 34 Result Code Options command 34 Result Code Selection command 34 result codes 30, 40,
command 34 retrain 35
Return Online to Data Mode command 33
rings, setting number of 12, 42 ROM checksum 32
RS232 connection 9
S1 42
S10 42
S108 44
S11 42
S2 42
S28 42
S3 42
S30 42
S35 42
S36 42
S37 43
S38 43
S4 42
S42 44
S43 44
S48 44
S5 42
S6 42
S7 42
S8 42
S89 44
S9 42, 49 setting 34
safety 6
Select Maximum MNP Block Size command 38
Select Stored Configuration com- mand 37
serial cable 53
serial port 53, 54, 56 speed 12
servicing your modem 83, 95 Set Register Value command 34 setup password 48
software, communications 12 solving problems
external 7, 8, 10 internal jumper 8 volume controls 26
Speaker Codec Loopback com- mand 37
Speaker Mode command 33 speakerphone operation 26, 27 specifications, technical
buffer) 36, 38 speed, maximum 43 standby mode delay time 44 static electricity 7
Store Current Configuration command 12, 37
Store Dialing Command 37
Store Setup Password command 41 synchronous buffered mode 41
technical specifications
connecting a 10 line 54
terminal mode 53, 92 Terminal program 15 testing 10, 37, 54,
data transmission
loopback tests
Tone Dialing command 34
tones, dialing 42
Transmit Break command 38 troubleshooting
UARTs 12, 56, 57
uninstalling a modem from Win- dows 11
upgrading the modem
V.22 mode 31
V.22bis Guard Tone Control com- mand 36
V.25 data calling tone 40, 42
V.32 Auto Retrain command 35 V.32bis
abling 44
V.34 modulation, enabling 42
V.42 error correction 39 V.42bis data compression 40 V.54 tests 37,
V.90 protocol 2 video 41
View Numbers in Blacklist com- mand 40
wait time for dial tone 42 warranty 82, 95 Windows 3.1 53, 56, 57 Windows operating systems 11, 54
uninstalling a modem 11 Windows Terminal 15 World Wide Web 17
Xmodem 56
Ymodem/G protocol 56
Zmodem protocol 56