If your mail service uses a separate server for SMTP, enter the name in the box. If you're setting up a POP3 Mail service with an ISP, the ISP must use an SMTP mail gateway.
Return Address
By default, the return address is set to username@POP3host or username@Servername, depending on the service you are using. If this is not your
Set Service Preferences - Setup Wizard Screen 2
If you are adjusting the settings of an existing service, select Services > Options, select the service you are using, select Properties, and then select Next. In the General Preferences dialog box, choose any of the following settings, all of which are optional.
Disconnect service after actions are performed
Select to automatically disconnect from the server upon completion of all pending actions. This option minimizes connect time and cost.
Check for new messages every
Select the time interval at which you want the device to check for new mail. If this option is turned off, you must check for new mail manually by selecting Services > Send/Receive Mail.
Display a message box when new mail arrives (POP3 only)
Select to be informed that new mail has arrived.
Send using MIME format (POP3 only)
Select to send messages with extended characters.
Play a sound (IMAP4 only)
Select to be informed that new mail has arrived.
Only display messages from the last 3 days
Select how many day's messages you want downloaded