Chapter 9 Monitoring BCM50 Status and Metrics 243

BCM50 Administration Guide

Figure 38 PVQM Metrics panel

Table 64 describes each field on the panel.

Table 64 PVQM Metrics fields

Attribute Value Description
Number of connections <read-only> Displays the total number of connections by IP sets on the
system since the last reset. This count includes non-interactive
features such as dial tones, call progress tones, and music on
Last rest <read-only> Displays the time of the last reset.
Most recent date and time <read-only> Displays the time of the most recent threshold violation.
Most recent DN <read-only> Displays the DN of the most recent threshold violation.
Desktop count <read-only> Displays the number of times a desktop client violated a
Soft client count <read-only> Displays the number of times a soft client violated a threshold.
Mean time between
violations (MTBV) for
<read-only> Displays the mean time between threshold violations of a
particular metric for desktop clients (measured in seconds).
Mean time between
violations (MTBV) for soft
<read-only> Displays the mean time between threshold violations of a
particular metric for soft clients (measured in seconds).