5.Launch OmniPage Pro and try performing OCR on an image. Use a known image file such as one of the supplied sample files.
You can also run OmniPage Pro 12 from a command line in its own safe mode. Choose Start Run, browse for the file OmniPage.exe and add the command line option /safe. This starts the program, but ignores previously stored settings and does not try to recover a document from an abnormal termination.
Increasing memory resources
OmniPage Pro may run poorly under
◆Restart your computer.
◆Close other open applications to release memory.
◆Close unnecessary OmniPage Pro applications.
◆Defragment your hard disk to free up contiguous blocks of disk space. See Windows online Help for instructions.
◆Increase the amount of free hard disk space.
◆Increase your computer’s physical memory (RAM). More memory optimizes OCR performance. See “System requirements” on page 12.
Increasing disk space
Problems may occur if your system runs low on free disk space. Try these solutions for low disk space problems:
◆Empty the Windows Recycle Bin.
◆Close all open applications and delete the *.tmp files in the Temp folder. This folder is usually located in your Windows folder.
◆Run ScanDisk or Check Disk.
◆Back up unneeded files onto floppy disks or other media and delete them from your hard disk.
◆Remove Windows applications that you do not use.
◆Defragment your hard disk.
◆Clear the cache for your web browser and limit its size.
90Technical information