■Page Number
Creates a page number annotation.
Select the page number annotation in the annotation menu (or tool button), and drag the mouse in the image window to specify the area, displaying the text the settings dialog box.
Specify format, color, and font of the page number to be displayed.
Text input screen
Enter the text here.
Text Color
Select the text color here.
Specify the font here.
■Text Format Setup
Opens the Text Format Setup dialog box.
Click on the drawn text, label, date or page number and select Properties to change the color and font of the text to be displayed.
Text input screen
Enter the text here.
Text Color
Select the text color here.
Specify the font here.
■Graphics Format Setup
Opens the Graphics Format Setup Dialog box.
Click on the drawn figure and select Properties to change the thickness and colors of the lines.
Line Width
Specify the thickness of the lines here.
Line Style
Specify the types of lines here
Line Color
Specify the color of the lines here.
Fill Color
Select the color for solid painting here.
Document Viewer
System Section
Document Management