Configuration Option Tables
Communication Port
For Communication Port Options, refer to Table
Communications Ports screen, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu → Configuration → Load Configuration From → Communication
main/config/commport | Hotwire |
| Model: 7986 |
Port Use: | Terminal |
Port Type: | Asynchronous |
Data Rate (Kbps): | 9.6 |
Character Length: | 8 |
Parity: | None |
Stop Bits: | 1 |
Ignore Control Leads: | Enable |
Login Required: | Enable |
Port Access Level: | Administrator |
Inactivity Timeout: | Enable |
Disconnect Time (Minutes): | 5 |
MainMenu Exit |
Table A-4. Communication Port Options (1 of 3)
Port Use
Possible Settings: Terminal, Net Link
Default Setting: Terminal
Specifies how the communications port is to be used.
Terminal ± The communication port will be used for the Asynchronous terminal interface.
Net Link ± The communication port will be used as the network communication link to an IP network or device.
Port Type
Possible Settings: Asynchronous, Synchronous
Default Setting: Asynchronous
When Port Use is set to Net Link, Port Type controls whether the communication port will be asynchronous or synchronous.
Asynchronous ± Configures the communication port for asynchronous communication.
Synchronous ± Configures the communication port for synchronous communication.
NOTE: Peer IP Address and Circuit Identifier are not copied.
September 1998 |