Using the Asynchronous Terminal
User Interface Access
You can communicate with the Hotwire Model 7986 Standalone Termination Unit with an asynchronous terminal interface (ATI) using one of the following methods:
HDirect connection through the COM port.
HTelnet session through the Embedded Operations Channel (EOC).
Only one terminal interface session can be active at a time, and another user's session cannot be forced to end. To automatically log out a user due to inactivity, enable the Inactivity Timeout option (see Table
Security can limit ATI access several ways. To limit user access or set up login
IDs, refer to Chapter 7, Security.
Communication Port Settings
Ensure that the device you connect communicates using these settings:
HData rate set to 9.6 kbps.
HCharacter length set to 8.
HParity set to None.
HStop Bits set to 1.
September 1998 |