| When a Message Is Displayed |
Message | Cause | Solution |
You do not have | The use of this function is restrict- | Contact the administrator. |
privileges to | ed to authentified users only. |
use this func- |
tion. |
Authentication | The entered login user name or | Confirm correct login user name |
failed. | password is incorrect. | or password. |
Authentication | Authentication is not possible | Contact the administrator. |
failed. | from this machine. |
Connection with | A network error has occurred and | Try the operation once more. If |
| 3 | |||
LDAP server has | connection has failed. | the message is still shown, the |
| |
| |||
failed. Check |
| network may be crowded. Check |
the server sta- |
| the information of [System Set- |
| tings]. See “Administrator Tools”, |
| |
tus. |
| |
| General Settings Guide. |
| |
| |
LDAP server | The entered user name or pass- | Make settings correctly for the |
auth. has | word does not match that speci- | user name and the password for |
failed. Check | fied for LDAP server | LDAP server authentication. |
the settings. | authentication. |
| |
Exceeded max. | The number of search results has | Search again after changing the |
number of search | exceeded the maximum number | search conditions. |
results which | of items that can be displayed. |
can be dis- |
played. Max.: |
nnn |
(A figure is placed at n.) |
LDAP server | A network error has occurred and | Try the operation once more. If |
search timed | connection has failed. | the message is still shown, the |
out. Check the |
| network may be crowded. Check |
server status. |
| the information of [System Set- |
| tings]. See “Administrator Tools”, |
| |
| |
| General Settings Guide. |
Specified group | The specified group contains some | Press [Select] for the message dis- |
contains some | fax destinations, | played on the screen for each |
invalid dest. Do | tions, and/or folder destinations. | transmission. |
you want to se- |
lect only valid |
dest.? |
Sender has not | The sender has not been specified. | A sender's name should be speci- |
been specified. |
| fied before sending |
| |
| er's name. |