Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
| Problem | Cause | Solution |
| The printed im- | With certain | In the application, change the layout, character size, and |
| age is different | functions, such | character settings. |
| from the image | as enlargement |
| on the computer | and reduction, |
| display. | image layout |
| might be differ- |
| ent to that on |
| the computer |
| display. |
| The printed im- | You might have | To print an image similar to that of the computer display, |
| age is different | selected to re- | make settings to print TrueType fonts as an image. See the |
| from the image | place TrueType | printer driver Help. |
| on the computer | fonts with ma- |
| display. | chine fonts in |
4 |
| |||
| the printing |
| |
| process. |
| Garbled charac- | The correct | Set the correct printer language. |
| ters are printed. | printer lan- |
| guage might |
| have not been |
| selected. |
| Images are print- | The feed orien- | Set the machine's feed orientation and the printer driver's |
| ed in the wrong | tation you se- | feed orientation accordingly. See the printer driver Help. |
| orientation. | lected and the |
| feed orientation |
| selected in the |
| printer driver's |
| option setup |
| might not be the |
| same. |
| Graphics print | If the printer | If you want to print accurately, set the printer driver to |
| out differently | driver is config- | print without using the graphics command. |
| to how they ap- | ured to use the | See the printer driver Help. |
| pear on screen. | graphics com- | |
| ||
| mand, the |
| graphics com- |
| mand from the |
| machine is used |
| to print. |
| Page layout is | Print areas differ | On the [Printer Configuration] tab, adjust the [Printable area:] |
| not as expected. | depending on | setting. |
| the machine | See the RPCS printer driver Help. |
| used. Informa- | |
| |
| tion that fits on a |
| single page on |
| one machine |
| may not fit on a |
| single page of an- |
| other machine. |