Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function













Check whether

Cannot log on to the

• Check that the user name and



there are any

POP3/IMAP4 server.

password of the E-mail Ac-



network prob-


count are correctly pro-





grammed from [File Transfer]




under [System Settings]. See







“File Transfer”, General Set-









tings Guide. You can also use





the Web Image Monitor for





confirmation. See the Web Im-





age Monitor's Help.





• Check that the user name and








password for POP before









SMTP authentication are cor-





rectly programmed from [File





Transfer] under [System Set-





tings]. See “File Transfer”,





General Settings Guide. You





can also use the Web Image





Monitor for confirmation. See





the Web Image Monitor's










• Contact your network admin-












If “Check whether there are any network problems.” appears, the ma- chine is not correctly connected to the network or the settings of the machine are

not correct. If you do not need to connect the machine to the network, you can specify the setting so this message is not displayed, and then the {Facsimile} key no longer lights. See “Parameter Setting”, General Settings Guide. If you reconnect the machine to the network, be sure to set “Display” with User Pa- rameters. Otherwise, you cannot check the status of the network connection.

If the paper tray runs out of paper, “Out of paper. Load following paper.” appears on the display. Add paper. If there is paper left in the other trays, you can receive documents as usual, even if the message appears on the display. You can turn this function on or off with “Parameter Setting”. See “Parameter Setting”, General Settings Guide.


“Parameter Setting”, General Settings Guide