Other Printing Problems














Photo images

Some applica-

Use the application's settings to specify a higher resolution.



are coarse.

tions print at





lower resolution.








Solid lines are

Dither patterns

Make the following settings with the printer driver:



printed as bro-

do not match.

• In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the [Image


ken lines.


Adjustments] tab, change the [Dithering:] setting.




See the RPCS printer driver Help.






When using


Make sure the application's paper size and orientation set-



Windows 95/


tings match those of the printer driver.


98/ Me/ 2000/


If a different paper size and orientation are set, select the



XP/ Vista or




same size and orientation.



Windows Serv-







er 2003, Auto













large print does





not come out as














When using

The correct ap-

Make sure the application's paper size and orientation set-



Windows 95/

plication or

tings match those of the printer driver. If a different paper size


98/ Me/ 2000/

printer driver

and orientation are set, select the same size and orientation.


XP/ Vista or

settings are not




Windows Server





2003, combined





printing or





booklet printing





does not come





out as expected.









A print instruc-

User Authenti-

User code management may have been set. Ask the ad-



tion was issued

cation may have

ministrator about valid user codes. To print, the user code


from the com-

been set.

must be entered from the printer driver.


puter, but print-





ing did not start.