Other Printing Problems


















There is considera-

Processing time

If the Data In indicator is blinking, data has been received



ble delay between

depends on data

by the machine. Wait for a while.



the print start in-

volume. High

Making the following setting on the printer driver may re-



struction and actu-

volume data,



duce the computer's workload.



al printing.

such as graphics-



For how to open the printing preferences dialog box, see




heavy docu-

“Setting Up the Printer Driver”, Printer Reference.




ments, takes








longer to process.

PCL 6/5e





Select the lower value in the [Resolution] list on the





[Print Quality] tab in the printing preferences dialog box.










• In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the [Im-





age Adjustments] tab, select the lower value in the









[Resolution:] list.




• In the [Change User Settings...] dialog box, on the [Im-





age Adjustments] tab, Select [Fast] in the [Load docu-





ment types:] list.





To enable [Change User Settings...], select the [User set-





tings] check box.





See the printer driver Help.








Other printing problems







The print job is


Even when the machine is offline, printing is performed

not canceled


when [Job Acceptance Priority] is selected for [Signal Control]

even when the


in [Parallel Interface] in [Interface Settings] under [System Set-

machine is


tings]. Select [Printer Priority] for [Signal Control].

switched to of-


See “Interface Settings”, General Settings Guide.

fline status.







Images are in-

You may be us-

Use the same size paper as that selected in the application.

complete, or ex-

ing paper small-

If you cannot load paper of the correct size, use the reduc-

cess pages are

er than the size

tion function to reduce the image, and then print.


selected in the

See the printer driver Help.








Duplex printing is

Duplex print-

When using duplex printing, make settings to use paper


ing cannot be

from a tray other than the bypass tray.


done with paper



set in the bypass








Duplex printing is

You have load-

Specify another paper type.


ed thick paper,



OHP transpar-



encies, or labels



specified as the



paper type.