Troubleshooting When Using the DDST Unit













Scanner is not

The TWAIN scanner function

Contact your service repre-



available on the

cannot be used on this machine.




specified device.










Scanner is not

• The machine's main power

• Set the main power switch



available. Check the

switch is off.

to “On”.



scanner connection

• The machine is not connect-

• Check whether the ma-




ed to the network correctly.

chine is connected to the





network correctly.








No response from the

The machine is not connected

Check whether the machine is con-




to the network correctly.

nected to the network correctly.








No response from the

The network is crowded.

Wait for a while, and then try





to reconnect.








Error has occurred

The application-specified scan

Check whether the scanning



in the scanner.

conditions have exceeded the

settings made with the appli-




setting range of the machine.

cation exceed the setting





range of the machine.








Fatal error has oc-

An unrecoverable error has

Contact your service repre-



curred in the scan-

occurred on the machine.


















Scanner is not

The ARDF cover is open.

Check whether the ARDF cov-



ready. Check the


er is closed.



scanner and the op-















Insufficient memory.

Scanner memory is insufficient.

• Reset the scan size.



Reduce the scanning


• Lower the resolution.





• Set with no compression.









See TWAIN Driver help.





The problem may be due to





the following cause:





• “The Relationship between





the Resolution and the Scan-





ning Area” chart in Help for





halftone scanning might not





always apply. Scanning can-





not be performed if large





values are set for brightness





when using halftone or high













Cannot find "xxx"

• The main power switch of

• Check whether the main



scanner used for the

the previously used scan-

power switch of the scan-



previous scan. "YYY"

ner is not set to “On”.

ner used for the previous



will be used in-

• The machine is not connect-

scan is turned on.







ed to the network correctly.

• Check the previously used



(XXX and YYY indicate a scan-


scanner is connected to the




network correctly.



ner name.)