Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function
When a Message Is Displayed
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for error messages that may appear on the machine's display panel and the Client Computer.
When a Message Is Displayed on the Display Panel
This section describes causes and remedies if an error message appears on the display of the control panel.
❒For messages that are not listed here, see “When You Have Problems Operat- ing the Machine”.
| Message | Cause | Solution |
| Connection with | A network error has occurred and | Try the operation once more. If |
5 |
| LDAP server has | connection has failed. | the message is still shown, the |
| failed. Check |
| network may be crowded. Check |
| |||
| the server sta- |
| the information of System Set- |
| tings. See “Administrator Tools”, | |
| tus. |
| |
| General Settings Guide. | |
| |
| LDAP server | The user name and password dif- | Make settings correctly for the |
| auth. has | fer from those settings for LDAP | user name and the password for |
| failed. Check | server authentication. | LDAP server authentication. |
| the settings. |
| Destination | A specified destination or send- | Specify the destination or send- |
| list has been | er's name was cleared when the | er's name again. |
| updated. Se- | destination list in the delivery |
| lected destina- | server was updated. |
| tions/sender |
| will be cleared. |
| Updating desti- | A network error has occurred. | Check whether the server is connected. |
| nation list has |
| failed. Try |
| again? |
| Updating desti- | The destination list is being updated. | If a destination or sender's name |
| nation list. Re- |
| was already selected, |
| select |
| after this message disappears. |
| destination(s) |
| or sender's name |
| later. |