The Printer Function










Optional components con-

The option setup in printer

See the printer driver Help.

nected to the machine are not

properties is not configured


recognized when using Win-

when bidirectional transmis-


dows 98/ Me/ 2000/ XP or

sion is not enabled.


Windows Server 2003.






Some types of data, such as

The correct printer driver set-

On the [Print Quality] tab, click

graphics data or data from

tings are not made.

[Toner Save Off] in the [Toner

certain applications, do not


Save] area, and then print.



See the printer driver Help.






Some characters are not print-

The correct printer driver set-

On the [Print Quality] tab, click

ed or appear faint.

tings are not made.

[Toner Save Off] in the [Toner



Save] area, and then print.



See the printer driver Help.




Print speed or application re-

The correct printer driver set-

See the printer driver Help.

linquishing speed is slow.

tings are not made.

Quit any other applications.






Image position differs from

The correct page layout set-

Check the page layout settings

the display.

tings are not made.

made using the application.



See the application's Help.




The printed image is different

With certain functions, such

In the application, change the

from the image on the compu-

as enlargement and reduction,

layout, character size, and

ter display.

image layout might be differ-

character settings.


ent to that on the computer








The printed image is different

You might have selected to re-

To print an image similar to

from the image on the compu-

place TrueType fonts with

that of the computer display,

ter display.

machine fonts in the printing

make settings to print Tru-



eType fonts as an image. See



the printer driver Help.




Garbled characters are printed.

The correct printer language

Set the correct printer language.


might have not been selected.





Images are printed in the

The feed orientation you se-

Set the machine's feed orienta-

wrong orientation.

lected and the feed orientation

tion and the printer driver's


selected in the printer driver's

feed orientation accordingly.


option setup might not be the

See the printer driver Help.







Images are incomplete, or

You may be using paper

Use the same size paper as

excess pages are printed.

smaller than the size selected

that selected in the applica-


in the application.

tion. If you cannot load paper



of the correct size, use the re-



duction function to reduce the



image, and then print.



See the printer driver Help.




Graphics print out differently

If the printer driver is config-

If you want to print accurate-

to how they appear on screen.

ured to use the graphics com-

ly, set the printer driver to


mand, the graphics command

print without using the graph-


from the machine is used to

ics command.



See the printer driver Help.