When a Message Is Displayed














Entered protec-

The correct protection code was

Make sure the protection code is



tion code for

not entered.

correct, and then enter it again.


dest. is incor-


See “Registering a Protection


rect. Please re-


Code”, General Settings Guide.















Exceeded max.

The maximum enterable number

Make sure the maximum number



number of alpha-

of alphanumeric characters has

of characters which can be en-


numeric charac-

been exceeded.

tered, and then enter it again. See




“Values of Various Set Items for



Transmission/Delivery Func-








tion”, Scanner Reference.







The entered login user name or

Check the login user name and pass-




password is incorrect.

word. The machine is unable to au-




thenticate. Contact the administrator.






Exceeded max.

The data size exceeded the capac-

Reduce the data size and send



data size per

ity per file.

them again.







scan. The





scanned data





will be deleted.









Original is be-

The machine is using another

Retry scanning after the operation



ing scanned by

function such as copying.

with another function is completed.


another func-















The memory is full.

Try one of the following measures:



max.memory ca-


• Wait for a while, and then re-


pa. Scanning


try the scan operation.


will be can-


• Reduce the scan area or scan-


celled. Scanned


ning resolution.


data will be


• Delete unneeded stored files.














Exceeded max.

The memory is full.

Specify whether to use the data or



memory capaci-




ty. Do you want





to send the





scanned data?









No valid dest.

The authentic settings for the de-

Check that the delivery server is



lists. Check the

livery server are incorrect.

on and the authentic settings for


settings or the


the delivery server are correct.


server status.