When a Message Is Displayed

Alert Messages

This section describes the machine alert messages.












An error may have occurred in

Turn off the main power switch,



less card

the IEEE 802.11b card.

and back on again. If the message





appears again, contact your sales





or service representative.









An error may have occurred in

Turn off the main power switch,



less board

the IEEE 802.11b board.

and back on again. If the message





appears again, contact your sales





or service representative.








Reset Paper Tray

The selected paper tray does not

Set the paper tray correctly.





exist or is not set correctly.








DToner is al-

Toner is running out.

Replace the toner cartridge soon



most empty. Add


to maintain print quality.













Paper Tray is in

The specified paper tray is in use

Wait until the other function has




by another function, such as the

finished using the specified paper




copier function.









Tray # Error

An error has occurred with the

Press [JobReset] to change the pa-




paper tray.

per tray settings, or press [Form-




# indicates the tray number.

Feed] to select another paper tray




and print using that.












USB has a prob-

An error has occurred in the USB

Turn off the main power switch,





and back on again. If the message





appears again, contact your sales





or service representative.








Duplex mode is

The selected paper tray has not been

Press [JobReset] to change the pa-



in off position

configured for duplex printing.

per tray settings or do single- sid-



for Tray #

# indicates the tray number.

ed printing.








For details about the tray settings,





see “Tray Paper Settings”, Gener-





al Settings Guide.








Ethernet Board

An error has occurred in the

Turn off the main power switch,




Ethernet board.

and back on again. If the message





appears again, contact your sales





or service representative.








NV-RAM Error

An error has occurred in the machine.

Turn off the main power switch,





and back on again. If the message





appears again, call your sales or





service representative.








[Print] without

This is an alert message concern-

Press [Print] to cancel the mode



below mode?

ing a paper tray in auto tray select.

and print the job.