Notices and Safety Precautions | 注意事項和安全須知 |
Notes Regarding the Battery Pack
✤We recommend using the original battery pack that is available at the retailer where you purchased the Sports Camcorder.
✤Make sure the battery pack is fully charged before starting to record.
✤To preserve battery power, keep the Sports Camcorder turned off when you are not operating it.
✤If your device is left in STBY mode without being operated for more than 5 minutes, it will automatically turn itself off to protect against unnecessary battery discharge.
✤Make sure that the battery pack is attached firmly in place.
✤The new battery pack provided with the product is not charged. Before using the battery pack, you need to fully charge it.
✤Do not drop the battery pack. Dropping the battery pack may damage it.
✤Fully discharging a Lithium Polymer battery damages the internal cells. The battery pack may be prone to leakage when fully discharged.
✤To avoid damage to the battery pack, make sure to remove the battery when no charge remains.
✤Clean the terminal to remove foreign substance before inserting the battery pack.
✤ 建議使用您購買運動攝錄放影機之零售商出售的原廠電池組。 ✤ 開始拍攝之前,請確定電池組已經完全充電。
✤ 為節省電池電量,在不使用時請關閉運動攝錄放影機電源。 ✤ 若裝置處於待機模式不操作超過 5 分鐘,它將自動關閉以避免
✤ 確定電池組已穩固放入。
✤ 本產品隨附的新電池組尚未充電。
✤ 切勿讓電池組掉落。掉落的電池組可能會損壞。
✤ 鋰離子電池若完全放電可能會損壞內部元件。完全放電的電池
✤ 為避免損壞電池組,請確定將沒電的電池取出。 ✤ 插入電池組之前,請清潔終端以去除雜質。
✳ When the battery reaches the end of its life, please contact | ✳ 在電池到達其使用壽命時,請與當地經銷商聯繫。 |
your local dealer. | 電池必須作為化學廢棄物處理。 |
Batteries must be disposed of as chemical waste. | ✳ 從攝錄放影機取出電池組時,請小心不要讓電池組掉落。 |
✳ Be careful not to drop the battery pack when you release it |
from the Sports Camcorder.