Accessories 72
Item List 74
Arm & Column 77
Bevel Lock 28, 77
Carriage Bearings 44, 77
Column Support 37
Leveling Feet 29
Miter Lock 77
Rip Lock 78
Swivel Lock 76
Blade to Fence 42
Blade to Table (Parallel) 45 Blade to Table for Crosscut 40
Blade to Table for Rip 43 Crosscut Travel 39
Spreader to Blade 46
Change 78
Install 40
Safety 7
Carriage Bearings 44, 77
Carriage Stop 60
Cleaning 75
Controls .34
Conversion Table
Decimal/Fraction 53
Definition 57
Hints 60
Kerfs 58
Making Crosscuts 59
Repetitive 60
Safety 57
Cutting Aides 69
Dado 68, 72
Digital Display
Align Encoders 50
Battery 49
Error Messages 48
Function 48
Sci "0" Reference Points 51
Edging 72
Electrical Connections 54
Extension Cords 55
Featherboard 70, 71
Auxiliary for Edging 70
Auxiliary for Ripping 69
Cr osscut/Rip 69
Function/Operation 36, 65
Guard Clamp Screw _36
Install 46
Lower Blade Guard 73
Molding Head Guard 68, 72
Crosscutting 60
Ripping 68
Infeed 61
Crosscut 58
Ripping 66
Kickback 4, 63
Length Stop 60
Level Front Table 38
Leveling Feet 29
Bevel 28, 34, 77
Miter 34, 77
Rip 35, 78
Swivel 35, 76
Table 34
Lower Blade Guard 73
Lubrication 75
Adjustments for Wear 76 Cleaning 75
General 75 Lubrication 75
Molding ttead 68
Molding ttead Guard 68, 72 Motor
Changing Voltage 56
Reset Button 55
Specifications 54
Outfeed 61
Outfeed Zxme Hazard 3, 63
Function!Operation 36, 65 Replace Pawls 78
Setting 36
Setting for Crosscut 57 Setting for Rip 65
Push Blocks Making 69 Using 62
Push Sticks
Making 69
Using 62
Definition 61
Fence Position 61
Hints 68
Kerfs 66
Making Rip Cuts 67
Safety 62
Workpiece Position 62
Accessories 72
Blade 7
Crosscutting 57
General 3
Personal 5
Ripping 3, 62
Saw 6
Work Area 5
Workpieee 6
Alignment 46 Function!Operation 36, 65
Straight Edge 71
Table Lock
Function/Operation 34
Wrong Way Feed 4, 64