This copier has been designed to provide convenient copying features in a minimum amount of office space and with maximum operational ease. To get full use of all copier features, be sure to familiarize yourself with this manual and the copier. For quick reference during copier use, keep this manual in a handy location.
About the operation manuals
The operation manuals for the unit are as follows:
Operation Manual (Digital Multifunctional System)
This manual contains explanations of the product and procedures for using the unit as a copier.
Operation Manual (Multi Access)
This manual explains the procedures for using a function while another function is in use.
●This copier can be used as a network laser printer. This copier can also be used as a facsimile machine and a scanner by installing optional components. However, this manual describes only the copier features. For description of the other features, see the separate relevant manuals.
●All descriptions in this manual are based on the assumption that the COPY mode has been selected (the COPY indicator is on).
●A separate KEY OPERATOR'S GUIDE is written especially for key operators. It contains the programs and programming information that will enable the key operators to tailor functions for maximum benefit.
●The operation procedures and the display on the operation panel vary with installation of optional devices. The descriptions and the illustrations in this manual are mainly for the copier without any option installed.
●No part of these manuals may be reproduced in any form without permission from Sharp Corporation.
●We reserve the right to change the contents of these manuals without notice for purposes of improvement.
●Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries.
●IBM and PC/AT are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
●Adobe, and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
●All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
Conventions used in this manual
Warns the user that injury to the user or damage to the copier may result if the contents of the warning are not properly followed.
Cautions the user that damage to the copier or one of its components may result if the contents of the caution are not properly followed.
Notes provide information relevant to the copier regarding specifications, functions, performance, operation and such, that may be useful to the user.
Information which is relevant to key operator functions is described. The key operator must pay close attention to these notes.