Initial settings
The copier assumes the initial settings when it is first turned on, when the CLEAR ALL (CA) key is pressed, or a preset time (auto clear time) after the last copy is made in any mode. The initial settings that appear in the display are shown below.
Ready to copy.
81 11
●Copy ratio: 100%
●Exposure: Automatic
●Auto paper selection: On
●Paper feed station: Paper tray 1 (At power on, the previously selected paper tray will again be selected.)
●Copy quantity: 0
●All special copier modes: Off
★KEY OPERATOR The auto clear time can be changed. See page 13 of the KEY OPERATOR'S GUIDE.
Power save modes
The copier has two power save modes to reduce overall power consumption and thereby reduce the cost of operation and to conserve natural resources to help reduce environmental pollution. The two power save modes are preheat mode and auto power
The time to enter the preheat and auto power
Preheat mode
The copier will enter the mode once the set time has elapsed without any copier operation after the last copy of a run is made or power is turned on and no copier operations have been made.
When the copier enters the preheat mode, the backlight of the display will be turned off. In this condition, the fuser in the copier is maintained at a lower heat level thereby saving power. The preheat level is, however, high enough to allow the copier to come to a ready condition or begin copying approximately 10 seconds after any key input is made.
To copy from the preheat mode, make desired copier selections and press the START () key using the normal copying procedure.
★KEY OPERATOR See page 14 of the KEY OPERATOR'S GUIDE for information on setting the preheat mode.
Auto power shut-off mode
If the auto power
When the copier enters the auto power
To turn the power back on, press the COPY key or another mode key that is lit. You can make desired settings and press the START () key after
★KEY OPERATOR See page 13 of the KEY OPERATOR'S GUIDE for setting the auto power