Basic operations
38 590-591-609B
Figure 24: Disconnect window
3.11.6 Resetting the keyboard and mouse values
You can reset the keyboard and mouse by clicking Commands - Device Reset. If the
keyboard or mouse is still not responding, you might be able to re-establish opera tion of
these peripheral switches by issuing a Reset command for the mouse and keyboard
settings on the target server. The Reset command sends a hot-plug sequence to the
KVM-IA, which causes the mouse and keyboard settings to be sent to the earlier
appliance model. With communication re-established between the KVM-IA and the
earlier appliance model, functionality is restored to the user. This function is for
Microsoft Windows-based computers only. Resetting the keyboard and mouse on a
target device running any other operating system might require that you reboot that
target device.
Press Print Screen. The Main window opens.
Click Commands - Display Versions - KVM-IA. Select the KVM-IA connected to
the mouse and keyboard that need to be reset from the list.
Click Versio n - Reset.
A message displays stating that the mouse and keyboard are reset.
Complete one of the following steps:
•Click OK to close the message field.
•Click X or press Escape to exit without sending a Reset command to the
mouse andkeyboard.