Flash upgradability
depending upon the length of cable that is separating the KVM s3-1621 or KVM s3-1 641
appliance and target devices.
1.3.5 Flash upgradability
Upgrade the KVM s3-1621 and KVM s3-1641 appliances at any time through the
network port to ensure the KVM s3-1621 or KVM s3-1641 appliance is always running
the most current available version. See Appendix 5.1 on page 47 for detailed
1.3.6 Accessing the appliances through a
network connection
Users access the KVM s3-1621 and KVM s3-1641 appliances and all attached target
devices through the Ethernet from a clie nt computer. A client computer can be
anywhere a valid network connection exists.
1.3.7 Accessing target devices
When you access the KVM s3 Client, a listing of all target devices you have permission
to view and manage opens. When you select a target device from the list, the video of
the selected target device opens in a Video Viewer window.
1.3.8 On-board web interface
The on-board web interface provides similar management functions as the KVM s3
Client, but does not require a software server or any installation. The on-board web
interface is launched directly from the appliance, and any servers connected to the KVM
s3-1621 and KVM s3-1641 appliances are automatically detected. You can use the on-
board web interface to configure KVM s3-1621 and KVM s3-1641 appliances from a
web browser. Launch the Viewer from the on-board web interface to establish KVM and
virtual media sessions to target devices. For more information about the on-board web
interface, refer to the Managing KVM Appliances User Guide.