Making Calls – Convenience Functions
Step by Step
Using the switchover button
The switchover button that must be configured by your system administrator can be used for the following functions:
•consultation (return to the call being held or the con- ference being held)
•accepting a waiting call
•accepting a group call
Waiting call
You hear a
Press the flashing key to accept the waiting call. The lamp is on.
You are connected to two users. One user is waiting. The switchover lamp is on.
Press the key to switch over to the other user. The first user waits.
You call a second user. The second user does not an- swer.
Press the key to return to the waiting user or the waiting conference.
Group call
You are connected to a single user. A group call is sig- nalled. Information about the group call appears in the display.
Press the flashing key to accept the group call. The first user is placed on hold. The lamp is on.