Using the FADER function | Иñïîëüçîâàíèå ôóíöèè FADER |
Note on the bounce function
When you use the following functions, “BOUNCE” indicator does not appear.
–Wide mode
–Functions using the PICTURE EFFECT button
–Functions using the PROGRAM AE dial
To cancel the fader function
Before pressing START/STOP, press FADER until the indicator disappears.
When the date or time indicator or title is displayed
The date or time indicator and title do not fade in or fade out.
When the START/STOP MODE switch is set to 5SEC or 

You cannot use the fader function.
Notes on the fader function
•The following functions do not work during BOUNCE function.
•You cannot use the following functions while using the fader function. Also, while using the following functions you cannot use the fader function
–Functions using the DIGITAL EFFECT button
–Low Lux mode of PROGRAM AE (overlap/wipe function only)
•If you do not record anything before operating the wipe or overlap function, the camcorder memorizes the image on the tape. As the image is being memorized, the WIPE or OVERLAP indicator flashes quickly, and the picture you are shooting disappears from the viewfinder. Depending on the tape condition, the picture may not be recorded clearly
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