Super Systems Inc. Page 32 SDS Data Logger Manual #4565 Rev D
Firmware revision 1.09 or below
This screen displays the setup information to trim the cold junction value of each board. Highlight the
first line (“Select board number”), enter the desired board number to trim, then press the Enter key. The
acceptable values for the board number are: 1 – 8. Any number entered over 8 will default to 8 and any
number entered less than 1 will default to 1. Press the down arrow key to highlight the next line (“Clear
trims, 1 = yes”). This line will allow an operator to clear out the previous cold junction trims for each
input. Enter a 1 for “yes” (clear input trims) or a 0 for “no” (do not clear input trims), and press the
Enter key.
Note – Clearing the trims will only clear out the cold junction trims for the selected board.
the operator selected 1 (“yes”), the trims will be cleared once the Enter key has been pressed. Press the
down arrow key to highlight the “Modify brd CJ by (+/-)” line. This will allow an operator to modify a
board’s overall cold junction value. See the section
To Perform a Cold Junction Calibration
below for
details on performing the cold junction calibration. Enter the desired cold junction trim value, and, if
necessary, press the circular arrow key to toggle the sign of the cold junction value.
Note – Pressing the
circular arrow key will also toggle the “Clear trims” value between “yes” and “no”.
Press the Enter key
to begin the cold junction trim. When the trim has finished, the line will display 0.0, instead of the value
that was entered. This is because the offset is actually a recalibration of the board and after the
calibration process there will be no offset. If there are any trim values for the inputs, they must be
cleared before modifying the cold junction value for the board. If an operator attempts to change the
cold junction value without clearing the trim values, the “Modify brd CJ by (+/-)” line will display “Clr
Trims”. To set each individual input’s trim value, press the down arrow key to highlight the specific input.
The inputs are listed from top to bottom starting with input five and ending with input one. Enter the
desired trim value, and, if necessary, press the circular arrow key to toggle the sign of the trim value.
Press the Enter key to set the new trim value. The input trim values range from –18.00 to 18.00.
Note –
The overall Cold Junction value is modified by adding or subtracting a value to the current value. The
individual input trim values are set to the entered value.