TC Survey Summary
Temperature Setpoint: <SDS:SP>°#
Minimum TC number: #mtcn# | Maximum TC number: #xtcn# | ||
Minimum TC Value: #mtcv# | Maximum TC Value: #xtcv# | ||
Min deviation from setpoint: #md# | Max deviation from setpoint: #xd# | ||
| Figure Output From Data Tags |
Tag | Description | Usage |
SDS:FILE | The filename the report is saved as | <SDS:FILE> |
SDS:PD | The current date when the report is printed | <SDS:PD> |
SDS:PT | The current time when the report is printed | <SDS:PT> |
SDS:FID | The furnace ID | <SDS:FID> |
SDS:FM | Furnace make/model | <SDS:FM> |
SDS:FT | Furnace type | <SDS:FT> |
SDS:FU | Furnace use | <SDS:FU> |
SDS:FD | Furnace dimensions | <SDS:FD> |
SDS:FC | Furnace Class | <SDS:FC> |
SDS:FOR | Furnace operating range | <SDS:FOR> |
SDS:SD | Survey date | <SDS:SD> |
SDS:ST | Survey time | <SDS:ST> |
SDS:SDR | Survey date range | <SDS:SDR> |
SDS:DUR | Duration of the survey | <SDS:DUR> |
SDS:OP | Operator. Survey performed by | <SDS:OP> |
SDS:APP | Survey approved by | <SDS:APP> |
SDS:TITLE | The heading, or title, of the report | <SDS:TITLE> |
SDS:NOTE | Notes for the survey | <SDS:NOTE> |
SDS:TOL | Survey tolerance / uniformity required | <SDS:TOL> |
SDS:OTS | Overtemp setpoint | <SDS:OTS> |
Super Systems Inc. | Page 70 | SDS Data Logger Manual #4565 Rev D |