Super Systems Inc. Page 71 SDS Data Logger Manual #4565 Rev D
SDS:SP Survey setpoint <SDS:SP>
SDS:TCN Number of thermocouples <SDS:TCN>
SDS:TCT Thermocouple type <SDS:TCT>
SDS:TCS Thermocouple spool number <SDS:TCS>
SDS:TCC Thermocouple calibrated by <SDS:TCC>
SDS:TCCD Thermocouple calibration date <SDS:TCCD>
SDS:TCCF Thermocouple spool correction factor <SDS:TCCF>
SDS:SDN Next survey due date <SDS:SDN>
SDS:SDSM Survey box make/model <SDS:SDSM>
SDS:SDSS Survey box serial number <SDS:SDSS>
SDS:SDSC Survey box calibrated by <SDS:SDSC>
Tag Description Usage
SDS:SDSCD Survey box calibration date <SDS:SDSCD>
SDS:SDSCF Survey box correction factor <SDS:SDSCF>
SDS:SPEC Specifications the survey meets <SDS:SPEC>
SDS:INT Sample interval <SDS:INT>
SDS:T Temperature character – F or C <SDS:T>
SDS:SIM Simulate load, in pounds <SDS:SIM>
SDS:OVS Overshoot (Deprecated) <SDS:OVS>
SDS:RES Survey result <SDS:RES>
SDS:GRAPH600x400 Inserts a 600X400 image of the graph <SDS:GRAPH600x400>
SDS:COM Company name <SDS:COM>
SDS:UDUR User defined survey duration <SDS:UDUR>
SDS:UTCN User defined number of thermocouples <SDS:UTCN>
SDS:PCT PID cycle time <SDS:PCT>
SDS:PDB PID dead band <SDS:PDB>
SDS:POL PID output limit <SDS:POL>
SDS:CMF Temperature controller manufacturer <SDS:CMF>
SDS:CMA Temperature controller make/model <SDS:CMA>
SDS:IT Controller instrument type <SDS:IT>
SDS:TCG Thermocouple gauge <SDS:TCG>
SDS:OV Overshoot - yes or no <SDS:OV>
SDS:OD Outputs TC and temp if overshoot occurred <SDS:OD>
SDS:OVT Time the overshoot occurred <SDS:OVT>
SDS:CTD Inserts a note regarding the control <SDS:CTD>
Thermocouple. Inserts nothing if no control
Thermocouple was chosen
SDS:CTN Control thermocouple. Inserts “None” if <SDS:CTN>
None is defined
°# °degree type °#
SDS:ED Survey end date <SDS:ED>
SDS:ET Survey end time <SDS:ET>
SDS:TCM Thermocouple map (image) <SDS:TCM>
SDS:UD1 User defined field 1 <SDS:UD1>
SDS:UD2 User defined field 2 <SDS:UD2>
SDS:UD3 User defined field 3 <SDS:UD3>
SDS:UD4 User defined field 4 <SDS:UD4>
SDS:UD5 User defined field 5 <SDS:UD5>
SDS:UD6 User defined field 6 <SDS:UD6>