Super Systems Inc. Page 47 SDS Data Logger Manual #4565 Rev D
Clicking on the open box next the image frame will open a dialog box where the user can search for an
image of the furnace to use.
The next tab is the Survey Box tab, which contains information about the survey box itself, such as the
make and model, the serial number, whom the survey box was calibrated by, and the calibration date
(figure 2.15).
Figure 2.15 Report Properties Survey Box Tab
The next tab is the Survey Details Tab (figure 2.16). The Survey Details tab contains the company name,
the survey start date, the survey duration, the actual duration of the survey, the survey specifcation(s),
whom the survey was performed by, whom the survey was approved by, the date range for the survey,
and the due date of the next survey.
Figure 2.16 Report Properties Survey Details Tab