Appendix E
212 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
3. Set the Choices field in the Control panel to Use View dialog for
4. Select a lookup Database, a specific lookup View within the lookup
database, and a Column # within the view.
Note The lookup database does not have to be a separate database; it may
actually be a different View within the same database. The lookup
View can contain any fields that will be transferred into the current
Pylon Pro database, but the first column should contain the field
which Pylon Pro will be use for sorting the database.
Retrieving additional fields
It is possible to retrieve more than just the lookup field in a lookup
The lookup field within the current database references a remote field
in a separate lookup database. This remote field must exist in both the
view and form of the lookup database. However, any additional fields
that you wish to be copied from the lookup database to the current
database need only exist in the respective forms.
To return additional fields, you must create a formula and place it in
the “Default Value” formula of the lookup field. The formula should
contain the field names in the current form, followed by the field names
in the lookup form.
For example:
LookupFld2,LookupFld3"; ""
"Selected_Item,itemName"; ""
The entire formula should be within quotes and contain each field
separated by a comma. After the quotes add a semicolon and another
set of quotes for the actual default formula within Notes (or a formula).
Synchronization issues
Make sure to synchronize both the current database and the lookup
database and lookup view specified by the lookup field in the current
database. If you are using a lookup view within the same database, then
you must synchronize the current database twice, creating one Pylon
Pro database using the current form and a regular view and the second
Pylon Pro database containing the lookup form and lookup view.