5 Specify the following items as you require.
yIn the “RTI” option, specify whether the RTI is enabled or disabled as default setting. [ON] — Press this to print a reception header (RTI) on received faxes to clearly iden- tify the time, date, and page count of received faxes.
[OFF] — Press this not to print a reception header (RTI) on received faxes.
yIn the “ECM” option, specify whether the ECM is enabled or disabled as default set- ting.
[ON] — Press this to enable the ECM (Error Correction Mode) to automatically re- send any portion of the document affected by phone line noise or distortion. [OFF] — Press this to disable the ECM.
The “RTI” and “ECM” options are available only when the optional Fax unit is installed.
6 Press the [ENTER] button.
y The default settings for each mode are changed as you specified.