Toshiba 850, 720 manual 227, Pausing print jobs, Moving print jobs, Releasing print job

Models: 720 850

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Pausing print jobs

The 11th job or later counting from the one in progress can be paused.

1 Select the job you want to pause on the print job list, then press the [PAUSE] button.

• When the [PAUSE] button is pressed, the display of this button changes to [RELEASE].

• When the job is paused, the next job is started.

Releasing print job

Press the [RELEASE] button. A job once paused will not be printed out unless the [RELEASE] button is pressed.



Moving print jobs

The 11th job or later counting from the one in progress can be moved.

1 Select the job you want to move on the print job list, then press the [MOVE] button.

• If the corresponding job is not displayed on the page, press the [Prev] or [Next] button to switch the page.


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Toshiba 850, 720 manual 227, Pausing print jobs, Moving print jobs, Releasing print job