Numerics |
2nd Fax Number | 64 |
A |
Accessing | 13 |
Add Address | 63 |
Address Book | 42 |
Address Group | 44 |
Alerts | 16 |
Automatic Start | 40 |
B |
Background | 54 |
Body | 47, 50 |
Box Number | 53, 76 |
Box Setting | 39, 53, 76 |
Bulletin Board | 74 |
Bulletin Board mailbox | 72 |
C |
Capacity | 16 |
Caption1 | 40 |
Caption2 | 40 |
Color Mode | 54 |
Comment | 76 |
Company | 64 |
Confidential | 74 |
Confidential mailbox | 72 |
Contact |
Adding | 63 |
Deleting | 66 |
Contact Information | 16 |
Controller Type | 16 |
Copy agent | 37 |
D |
Delayed Transmit | 49 |
Department | 64 |
Department Code | 82 |
Department Counter | 81 |
Destination | 51, 53 |
Destination Setting | 38, 41, 75, 77 |
Device Information | 16 |
Device Status | 16 |
Direct Transmit | 49 |
Document Name | 53 |
Document Print | 77 |
Drawer | 16 |
E |
ECM | 49, 65 |
Email Address | 64, 77 |
Email agent | 37, 72, 74 |
Email Setting | 38, 50, 75, 78 |
Email to | 40 |
Exposure | 48, 54 |
F |
Fax | 16 |
Fax Number | 64 |
Fax Number (Security) | 49 |
Fax Setting | 38, 48, 64 |
Fax Transmission Jobs |
Deleting | 20 |
Displaying | 19 |
Fax/Internet Fax agent | 37 |
Features | 10 |
Features and Functions | 10 |
File Format | 47, 50, 51 |
File Name | 50, 52 |
Fine | 48 |
Finisher | 16 |
First Name | 64 |
Folder Name | 53 |
Forward | 74 |
Forward mailbox | 72 |
Fragment Message Size | 50 |
Fragment Page Size | 48 |
From Address | 47, 50 |
From Name | 47, 50 |
Function Tab | 14 |
Functions | 10 |
G |
Group |
Adding | 69 |
Deleting | 70 |
Editing | 69 |
Group Name | 70 |
H |
Hard Disk Space Available | 16 |
Help link | 15 |
Hole Punch Unit | 16 |
I |
Install Software link | 14 |
Internet Fax Settings | 38, 47, 75, 77 |
98 | Network Operator’s Guide — INDEX |