| Messages/Second messages | Causes | Solutions |
| DIMM has a problem. | An error has occurred in the | Contact your sales or service |
| DIMM inside the machine. | representative. |
| Driver setting error. (Memo- | There is an error in the down- | Reset the parameter for down- |
| ry) | loaded font(s). | loading fonts. |
| Insufficient memory or memo- | Specify correct memory capac- |
| ry settings for the printer driv- | ity on the [Change Accesso- |
| er may not match memory | ries...] tab in the RPCS™ |
| actually installed. | printer driver. |
| To print the image correctly, |
| increase memory capacity, or |
| reduce resolution image. |
| Duplex has been cancelled. | Duplex printing has been can- | Check the paper used is suita- |
4 |
| celed. | ble for duplex printing. Or, in- |
| ||
| crease memory capacity. |
| |
| When installing a memory |
| module in the machine, con- |
| tact your sales or service rep- |
| resentative. |
| Ethernet board has a prob- | An error has occurred in the | Turn off the main power |
| lem. | Ethernet board. | switch, and back on again. If |
| the message appears again, |
| contact your sales or service |
| representative. |
| Exceeded max capacity of | Hard disk drive capacity ex- | Delete some files stored in the |
| document server. Cannot | ceeded storing to the Docu- | Document Server or decrease |
| stored. | ment Server. | the file size to be downloaded. |
| Exceeded max number of | The maximum number of files | Delete some files stored in the |
| files of document server. Can- | stored in the Document Server | Document Server. |
| not stored. | has been exceeded. |
| Exceeded max number of | The maximum number of pag- | Delete some pages stored in |
| pages of document server. | es stored in the Document | the Document Server or de- |
| Cannot stored. | Server has been exceeded. | crease the number of pages to |
| be downloaded. |
| Exceeded max. stored files in | The maximum number of | Delete some stored files or re- |
| sample print and locked | stored files has been exceeded | duce file sizes. |
| print. | during Sample Print or |
| Locked Print. |
| Exceeded max. stored pages | The maximum number of | Reduce the number of pages |
| in sample print and locked | stored pages has been exceed- | to be printed. |
| print. | ed during Sample Print or |
| Locked Print. |