


Messages/Second messages










DIMM has a problem.

An error has occurred in the

Contact your sales or service




DIMM inside the machine.









Driver setting error. (Memo-

There is an error in the down-

Reset the parameter for down-




loaded font(s).

loading fonts.









Insufficient memory or memo-

Specify correct memory capac-




ry settings for the printer driv-

ity on the [Change Accesso-




er may not match memory

ries...] tab in the RPCS™




actually installed.

printer driver.










To print the image correctly,





increase memory capacity, or





reduce resolution image.








Duplex has been cancelled.

Duplex printing has been can-

Check the paper used is suita-










ble for duplex printing. Or, in-








crease memory capacity.









When installing a memory





module in the machine, con-





tact your sales or service rep-













Ethernet board has a prob-

An error has occurred in the

Turn off the main power




Ethernet board.

switch, and back on again. If





the message appears again,





contact your sales or service













Exceeded max capacity of

Hard disk drive capacity ex-

Delete some files stored in the



document server. Cannot

ceeded storing to the Docu-

Document Server or decrease




ment Server.

the file size to be downloaded.








Exceeded max number of

The maximum number of files

Delete some files stored in the



files of document server. Can-

stored in the Document Server

Document Server.



not stored.

has been exceeded.









Exceeded max number of

The maximum number of pag-

Delete some pages stored in



pages of document server.

es stored in the Document

the Document Server or de-



Cannot stored.

Server has been exceeded.

crease the number of pages to





be downloaded.








Exceeded max. stored files in

The maximum number of

Delete some stored files or re-



sample print and locked

stored files has been exceeded

duce file sizes.




during Sample Print or





Locked Print.









Exceeded max. stored pages

The maximum number of

Reduce the number of pages



in sample print and locked

stored pages has been exceed-

to be printed.




ed during Sample Print or





Locked Print.








Page 28
Image 28
Xerox 2045e appendix Ity on the Change Accesso