6. Appendix
You can collate, staple or punch holes in printed paper by installing the optional finisher. Make sure you read the following precautions when using the optional finisher:

For information about optional finishers, see General Settings Guide.
To use the staple function, see p.48 “Staple”.
To use the punch function, see p.52 “Punch”.
❖Be sure to make settings for options installed on the machine in the printer drivers.

To make settings for options in the printer drivers, see Printer Reference 1.
❖Be sure to set the paper size and paper orientation in the printer driver when using duplex printing, combine (layout), staple and punch functions.

For Information about duplex printing, booklet, and layout, see the printer driver Help.
To use the staple function, see p.48 “Staple” and the printer driver Help.
To use the punch function, see p.52 “Punch” and the printer driver Help.
❒Depending on the application, print settings may not be enabled and printed output may not be as expected.
❖When setting staple or collate in the printer driver, make sure that the Collate check box is cleared in the application's [Print] dialog box.
If Collate is enabled in the application, printing will not be as intended.