Error & Status Messages on the Display Panel

Messages/Second messages










RPCS syntax error.

Bidirectional transmission

Confirm the option settings




may not be working properly,

for the printer driver match




or the RPCS™ printer driver

the options installed on the




settings may not be correct.









Selected paper tray is in use

The specified paper tray is in

Wait until the other function



for another function. Please

use by another function, such

has finished using the speci-




as the copier function.

fied paper tray.








Shift tray has a problem. Call

A malfunction occurs when

Contact your sales or service



service representative.^

using the shift function.









Staple has been cancelled.

Staple printing has been can-

Check the paper feed direc-





tion, paper orientation and





stapling position.













Staple unit is in use for anoth-

The staple unit is in use by an-

Wait until the other function





er function. Please wait.

other function, such as the

has finished using the staple





copier function.









DToner is almost empty.

The toner has almost run out.

Replace the toner cartridge





with a new one.








Turn the main power switch

The IEEE 802.11b card may

Turn off the main power



off, then check the card.

have come off, or an error may

switch, and check the card is




have occurred in the IEEE

installed correctly. If the mes-




802.11b card.

sage appears again, contact





your sales or service repre-













Unauthorized user access.

Print job canceled due to user

Check the User Code permis-



Print job has been cancelled.


sion status.








USB has a problem.

An error has occurred in the

Turn off the main power




USB interface.

switch, and back on again. If





the message appears again,





contact your sales or service














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Xerox 2045e appendix Error & Status Messages on the Display Panel